
Our multidisciplinary municipal team advises municipalities on a broad range of matters, including dispute resolution, insurance claims, by-law enforcement, commercial agreements and real estate transactions.

Although we provide comprehensive services to municipalities, some key service areas include:

  • Insurance Claims: We have a wealth of experience in defending liability claims and other claims against municipalities.
  • Drafting By-Laws: We have worked with the Association of Manitoba Municipalities and their liability insurers to prepare standardized by-laws and related forms for use and adoption by municipalities. We also draft by-laws for individual municipalities suited to their specific needs.
  • Development Applications: We act on behalf of various firms and individuals in filing, processing, and advocating various forms of development-related applications, including licensing, zoning, subdivisions, permitting, and related matters.
  • Hearings: We have appeared before the Municipal Board of Manitoba, the Assistant Deputy Minister of Labour with respect to Building Permit issues, and other municipal tribunals. We have also handled by-law prosecutions.
  • Appeals: We have lawyers practising extensively in the areas of municipal and administrative law, including planning appeals and property tax appeals, involving regular appearances in front of the Municipal Board of Manitoba going back as far as 30 years.
  • General Counsel to Municipalities: We act as counsel to municipalities, providing general advice in all areas of municipal legal issues.